We are Scotland’s national collective advocacy organisation for mental health.

vox scotland

Meet The Board

Voices of Experience was established as an organisation in December 2006

Our Board of Directors are predominantly Vox Scotland members with lived experience of mental illness. These are our elected directors and they actively govern Vox Scotland.

Elected directors stay on the board for six years, after which they must stand down for at least a year before standing for election again. We’re regularly looking for members to join the Board and any Vox Scotland member can stand by nominating themselves at our Annual General Meeting.
We also have a limited number of nonelected directors who are specialists in mental health. They provide advice and information when needed.

Chair - Gordon Johnson

I’m Chair of VOX – I lead the Board’s discussions as we deal with how the organisation is run. We make sure we look after the finances, meet all of our legal requirements and set the strategic direction. This is based on discussions with our members, of course.

I’ve been involved with VOX for more than ten years. I have a diagnosis of bipolar and work mainly in mental health policy. Everything I do comes from a lived experience perspective, which is why VOX is so important to me. Working together we can have a strong voice for change!

Professor Junfei Hu (Matt)

I am a lifelong learner, a Ph.D. Graduate (Electronic Engineering), a world recognised poet, photographer, and Director of VOX Scotland.
As a lifelong learner, I know from personal experience that barriers can present challenges to be overcome. As a PhD Graduate, I am happy to share my achievement journey and the challenges that I had to overcome. As a poet, I am proud of my work.

At VOX Scotland we advocate positive mental and physical well-being. My book, Life Story, Letters and Poems of Hope Love and Peace, was published in June 2018.

Richard Norris

As Director of Policy at the Scottish Association for Mental Health (1997 to 2005) I was involved in the establishment of Vox Scotland, and have been involved in Vox Scotland as a Board Member for many years. It is great to have seen the organisation grow and become a powerful voice for mental health service users over the years.

I am currently working as a Skills Coach, providing support for professionals working in Policy across the UK, and I am a board member of the Centre for Scottish Public Policy.

Martin Robertson

I was brought up materially wealthy but in emotional poverty. I went to a posh Boarding School that traumatised me. Then my brother took his own life, leaving me with survivors guilt. Just as I was getting over that, I was diagnosed with dementia.

The diagnosis wasn’t traumatic however it is a rare form and plays havoc with my senses and emotions. I was down the rabbit hole a couple of years ago until I found VOX Scotland, who saw the trauma but not the dementia which is what I needed. I want more people with dementia to know it is ok to talk about trauma.

Gordon McInnes
I have worked for Mental Health Network Greater Glasgow for over 13 years. In this role I engaged with people currently recieving treatment and support for their mental health challenges as well as having a lived experience as a mental health carer myself.
I’m a great believer in personal autonomy and strength based approaches as well as the value of creative expression in one’s life.
Natalie Shewan
Stephen Muirhead
Fiona MacLeod (FM)
Stephen Duffy

VOX Scotland is a national membership organisation, open to all people in Scotland with lived experience of mental health difficulties. We represent the views of our 500+ individual, group, and associate members to politicians and health professionals – making sure that Scotland’s laws and mental health services reflect their needs and interests.

Company Info

Company Limited by Guarantee
No 361753
Registered Charity in Scotland
No SC040646

Terms & Conditions

Contact Us

VOX Scotland
Floor 2, 
Moncreiff House,
69 West Nile Street,
G1 2QB

0141 226 9856

Contact form

Social Media

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We focus on the issues that matter to our members and undertake research and provide training to make sure our members views are heard. We are open and transparent and share our work with a national audience.


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