Following engagement with members, VOX Scotland has submitted and published its response to The Scottish Government’s consultation on the proposed National Care Service.
VOX Scotland welcomes the opportunity to present our members’ views on the National Care Service consultation and hopes to positively influence the way in which these plans are taken forward, with particular regard to the impact on mental health services and support, informed by a lived experience perspective.
During August, September, and October 2021 we engaged with 41 participants from different areas of Scotland, including Argyll & Bute, Lanarkshire, Greater Glasgow, Lothian, and Highlands. Participants were diverse in terms of their mental health problems, and, also in terms of age, gender, LGBT status, ethnic identity, and socio-economic circumstances.
Engagement with our VOX group members also took place, including:
- CAPS Advocacy
- Time and Space
- Acumen
- Lanarkshire Links
- Mental Health Network Greater Glasgow
- Advocard
Our participants’ responses highlight that the most important need is for improvement in access to, and quality of, mental health services and support across Scotland, with concerns that the proposed National Care Service may not necessarily deliver this.
VOX Scotland’s consultation submission emphasises the need for:
- Significant investment in the social care sector – particularly in mental health services and support
- Improved communication amongst services, and greater involvement of service users in decisions both about their individual care and the design and delivery of services more widely
- Clarity on how a National Care Service would end the ‘postcode lottery’ of service provision across Scotland, and how eligibility criteria can allow everyone to access the support they need, when they need it
You can read VOX Scotland’s full consultation response below:
VOX National Care Service Consultation Response
If you have any questions regarding VOX Scotland’s response please contact Paula Fraser, Development Officer, on