All the gen on VOX – its governance, structure and purposeINTRODUCTION
VOX stands for Voices of eXperience, and VOX was formed to ensure that the voices of people with a lived experience of mental illness can actively:
– shape Scotland’s laws
– influence service design and delivery
– promote a better understanding of mental illness in wider society
– advance the general interests of people with mental health issues.
VOX provides collective advocacy at the Scottish national level – representing groups and communities with a lived experience of mental illness – and we also support individuals to form their own groups to express their experiences in their own words. Building capacity is a key part of the VOX mission and we’ve supported user-led mental health groups in Orkney and Aberdeen to get up and running.
In some ways, VOX acts as an intermediary between the people, Scotland’s Government and health and social care services. We try to promote a good ‘fit’ between mental health services and laws to ensure that everyone benefits and public money is spent wisely.
We don’t provide individual advocacy, counselling, home support or care services – we exist to represent our members’ views at the national level to health professionals and politicians. We don’t have a vested interest in service provision and this enables us to represent our members’ views without referring to financial considerations or a political agenda.
VOX represents at the national level across all mental health issues and works in partnership with local/regional groups and thematic mental health organisations (e.g. Bipolar Scotland). We don’t compete with local groups and encourage all our members to think about joining local groups and organisations. Learn more about VOX group members and associate members .
VOX is a member-led organisation and any individual with a lived experience of mental illness (past or present) can join – a ‘formal’ medical diagnosis is not required. The VOX Board considers membership applications at its regular monthly meetings and is very welcoming and inclusive – individuals living with mental health issues are often ‘locked out’ of mainstream society and VOX challenges this exclusion. Apply for individual membership if you think VOX might be good for you.
Mental health groups led by service users or individuals with a lived experience of mental illness can apply to become VOX group members. Learn more about VOX group membership.
Mental health groups led by health professionals, volunteers or carers can apply to become VOX associate members. Learn more about VOX associate membership.
VOX members decide VOX priorities at our two national members’ meetings per year and VOX staff implement these priorities on a day to day basis. Our Board consists of twelve VOX members with a lived experience of mental illness plus three nominated members with special expertise in mental health issues. Learn more about VOX governance, the Board of Directors and VOX staff.
Learn more about our national members meetings, our AGM, our regional meetings, our capacity building and the VOX BOX newsletter by opening up any of the boxes below.
Each national meeting is themed around a major mental health issue, with guest speakers invited to discuss these issues and answer questions. This enables VOX members to learn more about key issues and express their views directly to the individuals who shape mental health policy. Our February 2014 event was attended by the Head of the Scottish Government’s Mental Health Law Unit (Kirsty McGrath) who gave a presentation on human rights and the Mental Health Bill being drafted at that time. After listening to Kirsty, VOX members broke into small groups to discuss her comments before questioning her on the Bill’s human rights implications. Kirsty and her colleague took lots of notes, and we hope that these notes influenced the Bill’s development at Holyrood.
VOX members’ meetings address major mental health issues but they’re also friendly and informal. We hope these meetings give VOX members an opportunity to meet and make new friends – it’s good to know you’re not alone in the world!
c/o Mental Health Foundation
Floor 5, Merchants House
30 George Square
Glasgow G2 1EG
The more input we have from VOX members, the better our newsletter will be!
Browse through back copies of the VOX newsletter
VOX Newsletter14 Summer 2015 VOX Newsletter13 Spring 2015 VOX Newsletter12 Summer 2013 VOX Newsletter11 Spring 2012 VOX Newsletter10 Winter 2011docx VOX Newsletter9 June 2011 VOX Newsletter8 January 2011 VOX Newsletter7 Winter 2010 VOX Newsletter6 Spring 2010 VOX Newsletter5 Winter 2009 VOX Newsletter4 Summer 2009 VOX Newsletter3 Spring 2009 VOX Newsletter2 Winter 2008 VOX Newsletter1 March 2008
VOX is governed by a fifteen-person Board of Directors – 12 elected directors (VOX members with a lived experience of mental illness) and 3 non-elected directors (specialists in mental health issues). The 12 elected directors actively govern VOX while the three non-elected directors provide advice and information when requested.
VOX Directors are elected for six years at a time and – following that – they must step down for at least one year before they can stand for election to the Board again. This means that we’re regularly looking for members to step forward and think about joining the Board.
Any VOX member can stand for Board membership by nominating themselves as a candidate at the Annual General Meeting, and the candidates receiving the most votes are elected onto the Board. Once a new board is in place, they select four office holders from among themselves (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) with one person serving as Chair. The Chair liaises with staff and the other office holders and ensures that everyone gets a fair chance to speak at Board meetings. If there are ever any tied votes at VOX Board meetings, the Chair can cast a deciding vote.
The VOX Board meets ten times per year (plus the two national members’ meetings) to discuss VOX business and ensure that VOX staff implement VOX priorities. The Board also considers membership applications, monitors the budget and responds to changes in mental health legislation and policy.
In addition to the 12 member directors and 3 non-member directors, four specialist advisors assist the work of the VOX Board.
Learn more about our Member Directors, Advisors, Board Meetings, AGM, Memo & Articles of Association, Business Plan and Staff by viewing any of the content below.
Douglas Pickering, VOX’s chairperson
Amanda Ritchie, VOX’s vice chairperson
Chris Evans, VOX director
Gordon McInnes, VOX director
Matt Hu, VOX director
Annette Calder, VOX director
Colin Murchie, VOX director
Alastair Simmons, VOX director
Richard Norris, VOX director
VOX is transparent and open and visitors are welcome to read VOX Board meeting minutes to learn more about our work.
VOX Board Minuthttps://voxscotland.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/VOX-62nd-Board-Minutes-January-2017.doces Jan-April 2015
VOX Board Minutes 2014
VOX Board Minutes 2013
VOX Board Minutes 2012
VOX Board Minutes 2011
VOX Board Minutes 2010 EGM
VOX Board Minutes 2010
VOX Board Minutes 2009
VOX is transparent and open and visitors are welcome to read VOX Board meeting minutes to learn more about our work.
VOX Board Minutes Jan-April 2015
VOX Board Minutes 2014
VOX Board Minutes 2013
VOX Board Minutes 2012
VOX Board Minutes 2011
VOX Board Minutes 2010 EGM
VOX Board Minutes 2010
VOX Board Minutes 2009
VOX AGM Minutes 2015
VOX AGM Minutes 2014
VOX AGM Minutes 2011-2013
VOX AGM Minutes 2008-2010
VOX Business plan 2014-2017
VOX Business plan 2011-2012
Wendy McAuslan, Development Coordinator
Email Wendy Call Wendy on 0141 226 9853
Mahmud Al-Gailani, Diversity Coordinator
Email Mahmud Call Mahmud on 0141 226 9853
John Steel, Administration Officer
Email John Call John on 0141 226 9854